Thursday, March 5, 2009

HotZift: A Sprinkle of Free Frustration

Microzift (Microsoft - soft + garbage) just can't have enough frustrated people using its products. I think Bill Gate's cash is generated by selling anti-depressants and assigning its hell-desk (help desk) drones to Suicide Hot Lines!!!

I was subscribed to some groups without my consent. I emailed Google about this last week and got no response while still being spammed at my old Hotmail account. So I read Google's help pages again and saw that if you email the you get unsubscribed automatically!

So click on one of the spam emails to see the address of the sender and then copy the email:, then I paste it in the To field.

When I tried to click after the group's name to add '+unsubscribe' I couldn't!!! The email I already entered got highlighted and is no longer modifiable!


(Before you comment on why I keep using the dreadful hotzift: I keep this 10 year old account because most of my old buddies can only be reached through MSN and they don't login much and even if I email them my new email they're unlikely to open the email. So shut up.)


Unknown said...

They seriously need a 2.0 version of their new interface. There is no easy and quick way to add a contact either. You have to copy the e-mail, go to your contacts, create a new one, and paste it there. You can't "add to contacts" next to the to: from: or cc: fields either.

MBH said...

Actually, once you've emailed someone the email address is stored.

If you press the first letter of it, it will display all candidates.

Like GMail. (Many features have been copied...)

KTDP said...

hotmail sucks balls.... it always has and always will .....

Anonymous said...

i seems that you say it with passion :)

MBH said...

With sincere hatred and frustration...